How to store PETG jars

PETG is a high-quality polymer material that is widely used in the packaging industry, especially in the manufacture of jars. Its excellent transparency, mechanical properties and chemical stability have won the recognition of users around the world. However, in order to ensure that PETG jars can maintain their excellent performance during storage and avoid unnecessary losses, some professional storage principles need to be followed.
Temperature control is the key to the storage of PETG jars. Since PETG materials are sensitive to temperature, too high or too low temperatures may affect the stability of its molecular structure, resulting in performance degradation. Therefore, it is recommended to store PETG jars in an environment with relatively stable temperature and avoid long-term exposure to high or low temperature conditions. At the same time, when the seasons change, it is also necessary to pay attention to timely adjustment of the storage environment to prevent sudden temperature changes from causing adverse effects on the material.
Humidity control is equally important. A high humidity environment may cause water droplets to appear on the surface of PETG jars. Long-term exposure to such an environment may cause the material to absorb moisture and expand, and even cause deformation or cracking. Therefore, when storing PETG jars, a place with low relative humidity and good ventilation should be selected, and direct contact with wet floors or walls should be avoided.
Light is also one of the factors that affect the storage effect of PETG jars. When exposed to sunlight for a long time, ultraviolet rays may damage the molecular structure of PETG materials, causing problems such as yellowing of color and reduced transparency. Therefore, when storing PETG jars, try to avoid direct sunlight, use sunshades or store in places with weak light.
In addition to the above environmental factors, the stacking method during storage is also worth noting. When stacking PETG jars, avoid excessive squeezing or heavy pressure to avoid deformation or damage to the jar body. At the same time, ensure that the stacking is neat to prevent sliding or tipping.
In addition, for PETG jars stored for a long time, it is recommended to conduct regular quality inspections. This includes checking the integrity of the jar body, transparency, and whether there is odor or discoloration. Once an abnormality is found, it should be handled in time to avoid the problem from expanding.

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